Mamba vs Transformers
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This article discusses a neural network architecture called Mamba. It differs significantly from traditional linear RNNs in its core structure. Specifically, Mamba’s matrices A, B, and C are distinct from the fixed B and C matrices used in linear RNNs.
Mamba’s A matrix acts as a “memory card” that stores historical information as tokens change. The B matrix serves as a filter to select important features from new inputs. The C matrix functions as a decoder to determine which memories to output.
In contrast, the B and C matrices in linear RNNs are fixed. Mamba transforms these matrices into intelligent buckets, allowing it to handle information with both memory and forgetfulness capabilities more effectively.
However, one major drawback of Mamba is its recursive structure, which requires sequential processing and wastes GPU parallel computing power. To mitigate this, Mamba uses a parallel scan operation, enabling the reasoning phase to utilize parallel computation as well. This makes Mamba faster at handling long sequences than Transformer and capable of increasing the throughput of Transformer models by five times.
Despite this optimization, efficiency in training is still limited by the recursive structure. Future architectures may emerge that change the rules and combine old and new architectures to achieve more powerful results. The article concludes by mentioning that Transformer, CNN, and RNN could all be essential pieces of the puzzle towards achieving AGI.
然而,Mamba的一个主要缺点仍然是递归结构导致的,因为递归结构需要按照顺序一步一步来,这会浪费GPU并行计算的能力。为了弥补这一点,Mamba使用了并行扫描操作,让推理阶段也能利用并行计算。这使得Mamba在处理超长序列时比Transformer更快,并且能够以5倍的吞吐量提高 Transformer模型。